How to Transition Into Remote Work (When You've Never Done It Before)
A Talk by Lezlie Garr (Director, RVer Job Exchange, Escapees RV Club)
About this Talk
The future of work is remote. Work-from-home is rapidly becoming work-from-anywhere, and my goal is to help you navigate that.
My name is Lezlie Garr, and I’ve been a multi-certified resume writer and career coach for 10+ years. In Module 1, you’ll learn remote work concepts for your job search, to help you understand the foundational concepts of remote work that will help you get ahead!
In Module 2, I’ll teach you about the key elements of a remote work job search, to help you elevate yourself above your competition. And in Module 3, I’ll show you specific examples of how to showcase remote work in your resume in a way that will get recruiter's attention.
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25 Remote Work Job Descriptions for Your Resume
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25 Remote Work Job Descriptions for Your Resume
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